Do you know the 7 secrets to get your facilities projects funded?

by Brianna Crandall — March 15, 2021 — With all the impending changes to workplaces, facilities planners are scrambling to develop budgets and obtain funding to meet the emerging needs to ensure safe work environments. However, the lack of financial acumen often skewers the chance for adequate financing. If this sounds familiar, you may wish to read a concise guide that has been written about finance — a topic that’s often bewildering to non-financial managers and that can seem like trying to navigate through a dense fog when seeking funding for a project.

7 Secrets for Getting Projects Funded Inside Large Organizations is a quick-reference tool for facilities and planning / design / construction managers who constantly battle for money in a large organization, and for architecture / engineering / construction (AEC) professionals struggling to persuade a client to adopt their solution.

[The rest of this article is available at “Corporate Project Funding: Do You Know the 7 Secrets for Success?” on The McMorrow Reports website.]