Via Seating provides indoor and outdoor seating to public agencies as NCPA vendor

NCPA members can save time and money on indoor and outdoor seating solutions

Posted by Johann Nacario — November 15, 2022 — National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) members can now purchase Via Seating’s extensive offering of indoor seating and outdoor landscape furniture solutions through the NCPA contract #07-128.

Via Seating is Officially a Contracted Vendor with NCPA

Via Seating is officially a contracted vendor for public agencies with NCPA. Image courtesy of Via Seating

NCPA is a national government purchasing cooperative working to reduce the cost of goods and services by leveraging the purchasing power of public agencies in all 50 states. NCPA utilizes state of the art procurement resources and solutions that result in cooperative purchasing contracts that ensure all public agencies are receiving products and services of the highest quality at the lowest prices. There are over 90,000 agencies nationwide from both the public and nonprofit sectors that are eligible to utilize NCPS’s cooperative purchasing contracts. To learn more about becoming a member, visit NCPA.

Nora Fenlon, chief commercial officer of Via Seating, stated:

This purchasing agreement makes it easier than ever for NCPA specifiers to quickly and efficiently purchase quality Via Seating products at great rates.

Founded 34 years ago in Sparks, Nevada, Via Seating manufactures and distributes contract seating solutions specifically designed for North American customers. Its portfolio of products covers task, conference, lounge/collaborative, multi-use, executive and outdoor seating. Seating specialist Via Seating innovates with the mantra “Intentional Ergonomic Design Focused on Health and Wellness,” and was reportedly the first to offer its entire range of seating within a 48-hour manufacturing time.

Find out more about NCPA Contract #07-128 at Via Seating.