FMLink Newsletter — Sustainability — October 15, 2020

This Sustainability newsletter is one of a series of five specialized newsletters, supplementing our weekly general newsletter (sent on Mondays). For each of five weeks you will receive a different specialized newsletter on Thursdays or Fridays, focusing on a different FM-related area. To manage which ones you receive, click on the link below.

This newsletter covers sustainability news from September 17 through October 14, 2020.


5 steps to prevent viral or bacterial outbreaks with proper cooling tower maintenance (Publications)

Not sure which hand sanitizers are safe and effective? Look for the Green Seal certification (Publications)

See how to maximize the use of outdoor space and improve your facility’s health and staff’s morale (White Papers » Landscape Forms)

Find out which green products can help reduce asthma and other health issues at your school, in this USGBC guide (Publications)

Benchmarking for outsourcers, with a focus on best practices (Benchmarking » FM BENCHMARKING)

What role will the office play in a post-pandemic environment? See this Cushman & Wakefield forecast (Surveys and Trends)

Here’s how converting your fleet to propane autogas can reduce maintenance and lower costs (Publications)


Airgle air purifiers

If you want to reduce nearly all virus pollutants, check out these air purifiers — now with wi-fi control of multiple units (HVAC/IAQ » Products and Services)

See how this mobile dispensing system can keep your cleaning crews more productive and reduce cross-contamination (Cleaning Equipment, Supplies & Technology » Products and Services)

See how this sensor solution can let drivers know when your electric vehicle charging points are vacant (Products and Services » Software & Technology)

Get real-time data about your power system to make informed decisions and avoid downtime, with Eaton’s new solutions (Energy » Products and Services)