Providing visitors with restroom QR Codes will raise maintenance standards to the next level. It’s good for business and reduces costs

QR Codes offering checklists enable guests to directly submit service requests for public areas resulting in increased management control, enhanced FM services and lowered costs.

by John Massey, CEO, PropertyTRAK

A nonprofit healthcare organization that provides a continuum of family health support maintains high standards for its corporate image and facilities stretching all the way to its restrooms. Committing to its quality mission, Compass Health Network (CHN) developed a unique QR Code application that amplifies its ability to maintain public areas. Implementing the computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) is leading to equipment and process changes that are enhancing its corporate image, improving guest satisfaction and financially benefiting the corporation.

CHN offers primary, dental and behavioral health and substance abuse services in 100 facilities and properties across Missouri with 390 rest rooms to be serviced, supplied, sanitized and maintained. Recurring Work Orders are in use to ensure that scheduled janitorial services and inspections periodically restore public areas to corporate standards. Between scheduled services for each restroom, there was no formal way to learn if maintenance was needed. 

The key concerns were to:  

  1. Identify specific equipment and assets to include in budgets for replacement or enhancement to help reduce staff time and operational costs.
  2. Identify potential changes to service frequency and staff procedures that will cost-effectively improve the image of high-traffic public areas presented to clients and guests.   

PropertyTRAK Case Study QR CodesChange decision

Covid-19 mitigation experience had convinced CHN management that a proactive approach to visitor health and safety is critically important to the corporation’s bottom line. A client or guest’s first impression from a public restroom often determines their confidence in the corporation and its mission.  Employees and staff already were launching service requests from Integrated QR Code technology using the PropertyTRAK CMMS Mobile App. CHN wanted to implement a comparable solution      for guest visitors.

The QR Code Solution

  1. Create a “service needed” sign with a location-specific QR Code linked to the PropertyTRAK CMMS as a high-priority service request.  
  2. Post the signs in all 390 public restrooms permitting the QR Code to be scanned by a visitor’s smartphone.  
  3. The visitor/guest is presented a simple form with a checklist of supplies and service maintenance options which may be requested anonymously if desired.   

Unique answers for concerns

  1. Easy access and participation by using the visitor’s own smartphone. Quickly scan a location-specific QR Code to display a simple request form that is automatically linked to their PropertyTRAK CMMS.  
  2. Timely response is important for a quality experience and is facilitated by the same automated notifications used throughout PropertyTRAK. Guest submittals receive high priority, and the system logs and tracks all requests through completion.  
  3. Standardized solutions can be set up once and rolled out quickly to all facilities. The Checklist Protocols are easily integrated into the Custom Service Request Form. The service request may be submitted anonymously to assure greater participation and compliance. 
  4. Multiple Departments can use this public-access concept to handle unique areas that are under their responsibility: parking issues, handicapped-access concerns, unattended lobby areas, kitchens/food service and after-hours contact information.


Resulting impacts and cost savings

Integrating the use of public access QR Codes directly into its operations department workflow allows the CHN team to be more responsive to client and visitor needs. Through integrations, it is estimated that CHN incurred labor costs of $35,000 annually on high-priority, one-off service requests from its restrooms alone.  



The goal was to reduce the cost to $11,000 annually by addressing the 68% ($24,000) of requests that are for interim resupply. This reduction comes about in part by revising requirements (supply replacement level, etc.) on the recurring servicing work orders. With usage trends from specific restrooms, container capacities are expanded (dispensers for hand soap, paper towels and toilet paper rolls) to better meet demand.  


Benefits to CHN

The CHN operations team continues to accumulate data through the PropertyTRAK CMMS solution that will drive decisions for the most cost-effective changes to resolve ongoing issues. They are able to focus on issues specific to locations, so they don’t have to rely on one-size-fits-all enhancements. The reduction of hours spent on extra service requests helps limit overtime costs and better manage the growth of the size of their required maintenance staff. By listening to clients and visitors and quickly responding with specific solutions, everyone associated with Compass Health Network can be proud of the high-quality, safe environment maintained.   

In the words of Compass . . .

“PropertyTRAK has the flexibility to allow us to enhance and expand our uses of their application to unique areas previously not considered. These cost savings benefit the entire organization. They are key to our ability to best manage our facilities and operations.”
                     –Daniel Grzenia, senior director of facilities, Compass Health Network

PropertyTRAK is a cloud-based Operations CMMS software solution designed to manage assets and buildings for sustainability. Clients benefit from the ability to organize, automate and simplify workflow events and communications. PropertyTRAK has more than 15 years’ experience supporting clients nationwide with broad capabilities including industrial-level Mobile Applications for iOS and Android devices.

PropertyTRAK • Maintenance, Work Order and Inventory Management

* This article is written by PropertyTRAK; FMLink is not responsible for the accuracy of its content. Should anyone wish to contact FMLink regarding any article, please e-mail FMLink at Contact information for each organization is provided inside each paper and in the Contact All Providers section under ARTICLES.